Women are the Best
- June 15th, 2023
After years of arguing with my sister, I concede that Women are the Best. Here is something I and Mrs Legacy Law agree on.
Succession on TV and in our office
- June 9th, 2023
Not since the ABC’s “Fisk” have we at Legacy Law felt so a part of the zeitgeist. Everyone has an opinion on the show – here is ours. Warning, there are spoilers.
Partner or carer? Consequences for the family.
- November 14th, 2022
The cases about carers continue to happen. With life expectancy increases, we expect there to be more to come.
Systems thinking applied to our family clients
- October 10th, 2022
While on leave, I learned a few things and had some things I already knew confirmed by people much smarter than me! Please see the attached article.
Our next employee could be you.
- August 25th, 2022
Do you have a genuine interest in people and their families? Are you a bit of a nerd when it comes to structures and the law? Most importantly, do you have a sense of humour and like to part of…
A recent case on “when is a gift not a gift?”
- July 5th, 2022
A Queensland Court has found that a strategy to reduce the size of an Estate was a “sham”. Read our article to see if this is relevant to your circumstances.
Family Systems and Me
- June 1st, 2022
I would not ask clients to do things I am not prepared to so I have been applying Bowen Theory of Family Systems to my own family with interesting results. I gave a presentation to the Institute recently. Here is…
“Beyond the Estate Plan” Presentation to the Law Society of NSW
- May 29th, 2022
We were recently asked to present to other lawyers on our research into how to give clients more than just a Will. We shared ideas from the US at the Law Society. There is a lot more we can do…
The Tao of Shane Warne
- March 23rd, 2022
The recent life and death of Warnie has some lessons for us all we suggest. #BeABetterAncestor
Happy St Patricks Day
- March 17th, 2022
Given the day it is, we attach an extract from Donal’s forthcoming book, An Irish Book of Living and Dying – A Migrant’s Tale. Apart from First Nations people, we are all migrants in Australia. Why don’t you write your…